Samstag, 26. Mai 2012

3 Mad Men Who Built BBDO and Omnicom

Advertising is about emotions. It is one of the most people-orientated crafts there is - both in terms of creativity and business.  Here are 3 key people who made BBDO one of the world's leading advertising agencies.

Allen Rosenshine began at BBDO in 1965 as a copywriter. He worked his way up to become BBDO New York Creative Director in 1975, President of the BBDO New York HQ in 1980 and then CEO of BBDO Worldwide in 1985.  He played a key part in the 1986 merger with DDB and Needham Harper which created Omnicom.  Time magazine called it the Big Bang Merger.

James J Jordan Jr aka Jim Jordan joined BBDO as a copywriter in 1952.  He was renowned for his slogan, perhaps the most famous being the 1961 slogan "Schaefer is the one beer to have when you're having more than one."  His form of sloganeering was known as nameonics.  This technique stressed linking a brand name to product qualities or intended benefits.  Jordan rose to become BBDO's creative director (later succeeded by Rosenshine) and president.  In 1978, Jordan left BBDO to form his own agency, which later became best known as Jordan, McGrath, Case and Taylor.

Phil Dusenberry joined BBDO as a copywriter in 1965.  One of Dusenberry's first projects, an ad for Gillette showing two men chatting through a bathroom medicine cabinet, is still remembered as a standout commercial of the 60s.  He had most success when Creative Director of BBDO in the 80s, where he was an avocate of cinematic production standards to ads as well as celebrity endorsements. He aimed to create Advertainment, the sort of advertising that consumers would seek out for themselves.  Later in his career he became involved in movie-making, credited as co-author of "Hail to the Chief" and "The Natural".

A text heavy blog today. I'll try and keep it a bit light for tomorrow's spotlight on Iris.

Hope you're looking forward to reading it as much as I am to writing it

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